Happy New Year guys!!!...2010 passed at a lightning speed...Didn't it?...And here comes January 1, 2011...The first day of this decade...The first day of any occasion or event is of prime importance...As it marks the beginning of a journey...A sneak peek into what lies ahead...A taste of what's in store for us...And that's why we want it to be perfect...
But is there such a thing called perfect? Hasn't it happened with us every single year that we hope that the year is perfect one and we have the same wish the subsequent year...Moreover...Isn't that just basic human nature?...Isn't it just the truth that human wants are insatiable?
And that's what probably what I'm gonna try doing this year...(I do not want to call it my New Year resolution for the fear of it being jinxed...)...In other words...I'm gonna try growing up...=)...
As I look back at the year that I just left behind..I realize there were times when I could have reacted differently to certain situations...and it only makes me wonder why I reacted the way I did in the first place!However letting bygones be bygones...I hope that I can learn to accept things the way they are...that I can learn to accept my mistakes and I hope that I learn to learn from those mistakes..Thus,I step into this New Year with a lot of optimism tinged with realism...
Let us see what's in store for us this year...Let us all begin this journey...
Happy New Year!!!
happy new yr to u2!
n all de best for facing situations wid de new u!
Thank you...=)
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